Media File

Validate against:

Schema ID:

Type: object


An object containing information about a media file. The file itself should be stored at the URL indicated in the mediaURL field. Media files generally contain primary data. Examples might include audio/video recordings, scans of archival materials, photos taken during fieldwork, or scans of field notes.

Developer Notes

This is a top-level database object

Required Properties

  • filename


The following properties are defined for this object:

  • Type: type

    Type: string

    Read-only: true


    The type of object. Must be set to Media.

    This item must have the following value:

  • ID: id


    A unique database identifier for this Media Item

  • Abbreviation: abbreviation

    Type: string


    An abbreviation for referring to this file

    Referenced Schema

    This item must validate against the following schema:

  • Access Rights: access

    Type: object


    Access rights for this media file

    Referenced Schema

    This item must validate against the following schema:

  • Content: content


    A description of the content of this file, optionally in multiple languages

    Referenced Schema

    This item must validate against the following schema:

  • MIME Content Type: contentType

    Type: string


    The media type of the file. Must be a valid MIME type. Examples: audio/wav, application/pdf, video/mpeg

  • Creator (Person - Database Reference): creator

    Type: object


    A database reference to the person who created this specific file

    Referenced Schema

    This item must validate against the following schema:

  • Date Created: dateCreated

    Type: string


    The date and optionally time that this metadata object was originally created. Not the date the media file was created. For that, see the dateRecorded property.

    This item must also validate against exactly one of the following schemas:

    • Format: date

    • Format: date-time

  • Date Modified: dateModified

    Type: string


    The date and optionally time that this metadata was last modified. Not the date that the media file was modified.

    This item must also validate against exactly one of the following schemas:

    • Format: date

    • Format: date-time

  • Date Recorded: dateRecorded

    Type: string


    The date and optionally time that this media file was recorded or photographed. Or, if the file is a scan of field notes, the date that the scan was made. Not the date that this metadata object was created. For that, see the dateCreated property.

    This item must also validate against exactly one of the following schemas:

    • Format: date

    • Format: date-time

  • End Time: endTime

    Type: number


    Within an audiovisual file, the time at which the relevant linguistic data ends. Programs may use this field in different ways. For example, if the camera recorded for five minutes after the speaker finished talking, the End Time would be the time 5 minutes before the end of the file. The time stamp should be in seconds and milliseconds, separated by a period, e.g. 12.573, or 1.234, or 167.780, etc.

    Minimum: 0.001

  • Filename: filename

    Type: string


    The filename for this media item without spaces, but including the extension

    Regular expression to match: ^[^ ]+\.[^ ]+

  • Format (File Extension): format

    Type: string


    The format (file extension) of the media file, without a period. Examples: wav, mp4, pdf

  • Languages: languages

    Type: array


    An array of the languages that are used in this media file

    Items must be unique: true


    Each item in this array must adhere to the following schema:

    Language (Database Reference): languages

    Type: object


    A database reference to this language

    Referenced Schema

    This item must validate against the following schema:

  • Length (in Time / Pages): length

    Type: number


    The length of the file, in seconds and milliseconds if an audio/video file (in SS.MMM format), or pages if a document

    Minimum: 0.001

  • Link: link

    Type: string


    A URL where a presentational format for this resource may be viewed

    Format: uri

  • Location (Database Reference): location

    Type: object


    A database reference to the location where the content in this media file was recorded or produced

    Referenced Schema

    This item must validate against the following schema:

  • Media URL: mediaURL

    Type: string


    The URL where the media file can be found.

    Format: uri

  • Notes: notes

    Type: array


    A collection of notes about this media item.

    Items must be unique: true


    Each item in this array must adhere to the following schema:

    Note: notes

    Referenced Schema

    This item must validate against the following schema:

  • Original Media Item: original

    Type: string


    The URL of the Media object (not the URL to the media file itself) that this file is derived from

    Format: uri

  • Persons in File: people

    Type: array


    A list of all the people who appear in this file. Often a list of speakers.

    Items must be unique: true


    Each item in this array must adhere to the following schema:

    Person (Database Reference): people

    Type: object


    A database reference to a person who appears in this file

    Referenced Schema

    This item must validate against the following schema:

  • File Size: size

    Type: integer


    The size of the file, in bytes.

    Minimum: 1

  • Start Time: startTime

    Type: number


    Within an audiovisual file, the time at which the relevant linguistic data starts, or the time at which an offset should be calibrated from. This may also be used to synchronize the starting point of multiple media files associated with a single Text. For example, if the camera started recording five minutes before the speaker began speaking, the Start Time might be 5 minutes from the start of the file (so 300.00 seconds). The time stamp should be in seconds and milliseconds, separated by a period, e.g. 12.573, or 1.2, or 167.78012, etc.

    Minimum: 0

  • Tags: tags

    Type: object


    A set of tags for this media item

    Referenced Schema

    This item must validate against the following schema:

  • URL: url

    Type: string


    The URL where this media data can be retrieved. NOT the URL of the media file itself (for that, see the mediaURL attribute).

    Format: uri

Additional Properties

Any additional properties must adhere to the following schema:

This schema imposes no restrictions. All values are valid.


The following are example values for this schema:

  • {
      "abbreviation": "Omoiseke",
      "access": {
        "ELAR": "User"
      "content": "A folktale told by Helen Makana about a girl who gets married to dogs.",
      "contentType": "audio/wav",
      "creator": {
        "id": "791073ab-beec-484d-a608-a936abbf4e7c",
        "key": "DWH"
      "dateCreated": "2018-10-31T17:25:28.347Z",
      "dateModified": "2018-10-31T17:25:46.239Z",
      "dateRecorded": "2014-08-14",
      "filename": "Gusii_HM_2014-08-14_Omoiseke.wav",
      "format": "wav",
      "id": "6519aafc-9ce6-4101-83c2-e1d32555ff03",
      "languages": [
          "id": "434680a8-fd5a-4799-a5a7-e1f6f5d15d95",
          "key": "Gusii",
          "url": ""
      "length": 62.417,
      "location": {
        "id": "eaead014-2c97-47d7-a072-d09d8d7d80e8",
        "key": "KennedyFarm"
      "mediaURL": "",
      "people": [
          "id": "2491b3cd-2749-438a-9eeb-70427d24d5ad",
          "key": "HM"
      "size": 11010618,
      "type": "Media",
      "url": ""
  • {
      "abbreviation": "enderema",
      "access": {
        "ELAR": "User"
      "content": "Photo of *ɛ́ndɛrɛma* 'slippery vegetable vine'",
      "contentType": "image/jpeg",
      "creator": {
        "id": "791073ab-beec-484d-a608-a936abbf4e7c",
        "key": "DWH"
      "dateCreated": "2018-10-31T17:25:28.347Z",
      "dateModified": "2018-10-31T17:25:46.239Z",
      "dateRecorded": "2014-08-04",
      "filename": "Gusii_2014-08-04_enderema.jpg",
      "format": "jpg",
      "link": "",
      "location": {
        "id": "eaead014-2c97-47d7-a072-d09d8d7d80e8",
        "key": "KennedyFarm"
      "mediaURL": "",
      "notes": [
          "text": "ɛ́ndɛrɛma 'slippery vegetable vine'"
      "people": [
          "id": "b430dd0d-5c8c-4a66-99f0-f9a0cc7e1524",
          "key": "JKM"
      "size": 3374489,
      "url": ""