
Validate against: http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#

Schema ID: http://schemas.digitallinguistics.io/Word-4.3.1.json

Type: object


A Word object represents a specific token in a text, rather than an abstract lexeme (see the Lexeme object for that).

Required Properties

  • transcription


The following properties are defined for this object:

  • Analysis: analysis


    The morpheme breakdown for the word

    Referenced Schema

    This item must validate against the following schema:


  • Type: type

    Type: string

    Read-only: true


    The type of object. Must be set to Word.

    This item must have the following value:

  • End Time: endTime

    Type: number


    The point in time in the text at which the word token stop being spoken, formatted as seconds and milliseconds (SS.MMM). This property is useful for phonetic data analysis.

    Minimum: 0.001

  • Gloss: gloss


    A Leipzig-style gloss for this Word. This does not need to be supplied if it can be generated automatically from the glosses at the morpheme level. May be in multiple languages.

    Referenced Schema

    This item must validate against the following schema:


  • Key: key

    Type: string


    A key that uniquely identifies this word token within the Text. The key for a Word consists of the abbreviation of the text, a period, dash, or underscore, the number of Utterance within the text, another period, dash, or underscore, and then the number of this word within the Utterance (indexing starts at 1). For example, for the fourth word of the third Utterance of a text with the abbreviation A, the key would be A.3.4. Keys should be unique within a corpus.

    Regular expression to match: ^[(a-z)|(A-Z)|(0-9)]+[-_\.][0-9]{1,3}[-_\.][0-9]{1,2}$

  • Literal Translation: literal


    A literal translation of the word at the level of the morpheme token

    Referenced Schema

    This item must validate against the following schema:


  • Morphemes / Components: morphemes

    Type: array


    A collection of the components (morphemes, lexemes) in this Word. Components may be repeated if the same morpheme appears twice in the Word.

    Items must be unique: false


    Each item in this array must adhere to the following schema:

    Morpheme: morphemes

    Type: object


    An object representing this morpheme. This is not an object representing a lexeme (the abstract type). It represents the specific morpheme token (the particular instance in speech) instead.

    Referenced Schema

    This item must validate against the following schema:


  • Notes: notes

    Type: array


    A collection of notes about this token

    Items must be unique: true


    Each item in this array must adhere to the following schema:

    Note: notes

    Type: object


    A Note about this token

    Referenced Schema

    This item must validate against the following schema:


  • Phonemes: phonemes

    Type: array


    An array of the phones (phoneme tokens) in this word, in IPA. Each phone should appear in order, and does not have to be unique.

    Items must be unique: false


    Each item in this array must adhere to the following schema:

    Phone (Phoneme Token): phonemes

    Type: object


    An IPA representation of this phoneme. The phoneme field is required, but the allophone field is optional, for use only when you need to specify that this phoneme is being realized as a particular phoneme. Both phoneme and allophone must be in IPA rather than a practical orthography.

    Required Properties

    • phoneme


    The following properties are defined for this object:

    • Allophone: allophone

      Type: string


      This property may be used to specify which allophone this particular phoneme token is. Must be written in IPA.

    • End Time: endTime

      Type: number


      The point in time in the text at which this phone stops being pronounced. This property is primarily useful for phonetic data analysis.

      Minimum: 0.001

    • Notes: notes

      Type: array


      A collection of notes about this phone

      Items must be unique: true


      Each item in this array must adhere to the following schema:

      Note: notes

      Type: object


      A note about this phone. Useful for one-time observations of interesting allophonic variation in the data.

      Referenced Schema

      This item must validate against the following schema:


    • Phoneme: phoneme

      Type: string


      An IPA representation of this phoneme token. Must be a representation of the abstract phoneme rather than the particular allophone (use the allophone property for that insetad).

    • Start Time: startTime

      Type: number


      The point in time in the text at which this phone starts being pronounced. This property is primarily useful for phonetic data analysis. The endTime property is not necessarily required if the startTime property is present (this is useful when the endTime of one phone is the same as the startTime of the next).

      Minimum: 0

    • Tags: tags

      Type: object


      A set of tags for this phone

      Referenced Schema

      This item must validate against the following schema:


    Additional Properties

    Any additional properties must adhere to the following schema:

    This schema imposes no restrictions. All values are valid.

  • Start Time: startTime

    Type: number


    The point in time in the text at which this word token starts being uttered, formatted as seconds and milliseconds (SS.MMM). This property is primarily useful for phonetic data analysis. The endTime property is not necessarily required if the startTime property is present (this is useful when the endTime of one word token is the same as the startTime of the next).

    Minimum: 0

  • Tags: tags

    Type: object


    A set of tags for this word token

    Referenced Schema

    This item must validate against the following schema:


  • Transcription: transcription

    Type: object


    A transcription of this word token, optionally in multiple orthographies. A transcription must be provided in at least one orthography.

    Referenced Schema

    This item must validate against the following schema:


    Minimum number of properties: 1

  • Translation: translation

    Type: object


    A translation of this word, optionally in multiple languages. Note that the translation is not the same as a gloss. Use the translation field for free, natural language translations of a word. There is a separate field for literal translations.; use the gloss field for Leipzig-style glosses only.

    Referenced Schema

    This item must validate against the following schema:


Additional Properties

Any additional properties must adhere to the following schema:

This schema imposes no restrictions. All values are valid.


The following are example values for this schema:

  • {
      "type": "Word",
      "endtime": 1.01,
      "gloss": "man",
      "key": "A1_1_2",
      "analysis": {
        "transcription": "man"
      "literal": {
        "eng": "man"
      "morphemes": [
          "gloss": "man",
          "lexeme": {
            "id": "06ed7bda-9923-4295-97da-8c9a24b98fd4",
            "key": "qasi"
          "transcription": {
            "APA": "ʔasi",
            "IPA": "ʔasi",
            "Mod": "qasi"
      "phonemes": [
          "phoneme": "ʔ"
          "phoneme": "a"
          "phoneme": "s"
          "phoneme": "i"
      "startTime": 1,
      "tags": {
        "role": "subject"
      "transcription": {
        "APA": "ʔasi",
        "IPA": "ʔasi",
        "Mod": "qasi"
      "translation": {
        "eng": "a man"