
Validate against:

Schema ID:

Type: object


A transcription of a piece of data in a language, optionally in multiple orthographies. For example, a transcription might be written in both a practical orthography and IPA. Each key must be the abbreviation for an orthography (see the Abbreviation schema), and the value for that key is the transcription of the data in that particular orthography. Note: The Transcription does not have a type property.

Regular Expression Properties

Property names which match one of the following regular expressions must validate against the associated schema.

  • Text: ^[(a-z)|(A-Z)|(0-9)]+$

    Type: string


    The transcription for the specified orthography

Additional Properties

Any additional properties must adhere to the following schema:

No values are valid for this schema.


The following are example values for this schema:

  • {
      "APA": "wetkš",
      "IPA": "wetkʃ",
      "Mod": "wetkx",
      "Swad": "wetkš"